Minera Hot Springs Binh Chau

82 Degrees

82 Degrees - For thousands of years, hot water from natural mineral springs has been used to turn gifts from nature into delicious food. Here you will have chance to boil fresh eggs in hot mineral water and dig right in after they are cooked. A nutritious snack that will help you feel immediate, real benefits however long your stay. Eggcellent!

Opening hours: 07:00 - 18:00

82 Degrees Food Court - Explorers can spend lunch time unearthing all the appetizing food that is available in the Food Court, which is cleverly devised from the green space of 82 Degrees.

Opening Hours: 07:00 – 18:00

Business hours
07:00 - 18:00


Minera Forest

Contact Us

0254 387 1131

Experience the first wellness tourist destination combining hot springs with Eco-forest in Vietnam
